Posts Tagged ‘human resources’

Court Allows Individual Liability for Wrongful Discharge

November 14th, 2012 by JBWK

The Virginia Supreme Court last week broke some new ground in answering a question from the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals: can a manager or supervisor be personally liable for wrongful termination? Typically, wrongful termination cases are very limited in scope, only allowing a claim where the firing violated a fundamental public policy. The decision […]

Raises Out; Bonuses In

November 7th, 2012 by JBWK

The Washington Post takes an interesting look at how people are being paid. The upshot: fewer raises, more bonuses. A record high 82% of employers report using some form of performance-based compensation this year to reward their employees. That compensation can take the form of equity or cash bonuses based on the company’s specific needs. […]

NLRB Okays At-Will Policies

November 6th, 2012 by JBWK

After an unsettling twist involving the National Labor Relations Board questioning standard employment-at-will provisions in employee handbooks, the NLRB’s Associate General Counsel has reined in the issue. Reviewing two at-will policies in employee handbooks–stating that employees’ employment is at will and that no express or implied contractual rights are created by the handbook–the memo says […]